
Iris Luo, Ph.D.

Iris Luo, Ph.D.

Title: Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: Criminal Justice Studies
Office: Olin Hall 225
Phone: 330-972-4323
Email: xluo@uakron.edu


Professor Luo received her Ph.D. in Criminology, Law and Society from the University of California, Irvine. Her research interests are primarily in the realm of neighborhoods and crime, crime mapping and spatial analysis, quantitative methods, and criminal justice system. Her research has appeared in Criminology, The British Journal of Criminology, Journal of Criminology, International Criminology, Police Quarterly, Policing: An International Journal, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Social Networks, Sociological Methodology, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


  • Policing
  • Communities and Crime
  • Crime Mapping
  • Quantitative Methods


  • Charis E Kubrin, Xiaoshuang Luo, John R Hipp. (2024). “Immigration and Crime: Is the Relationship Nonlinear?” The British Journal of Criminology, 1-22.
  • Luo, Xiaoshuang, John R. Hipp, and Adam Boessen. (2024). “Parolee Concentration, Parolee Embeddedness, and the Reciprocal Relationship with Crime Rates: A Longitudinal Study of Neighborhoods and Reentry.” Journal of Criminology, 1-26.
  • Thomas, Loring J., Peng Huang, Xiaoshuang Luo, John R. Hipp, and Carter T. Butts. (2024). “Marginal-preserving Imputation of Three-Way Array Data in Nested Structures, with Application to Small Areal Units.” Sociological Methodology, 54(1), 157-191.
  • Luo, Xiaoshuang and Cyrus Schleifer. (2023). “Unions, Occupational Change, and Gender Inequality: Using Current Population Survey Panel Data to Assess Police Wage Change.” Police Quarterly, 1-32.
  • Luo, Xiaoshuang. (2022) “An Empirical Test of Procedural Justice, Legitimacy, and Public Cooperation with the Police in China.” International Criminology, 2(4), 362-374. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43576-022-00071-0  
    Hipp, John R. and Xiaoshuang Luo. (2022). “Improving or Declining: What are the
  • Consequences for Changes in Local Crime?” Criminology, 60, 480-507.
  • Luo, Xiaoshuang, John R. Hipp, and Carter T. Butts. (2022). “Does the Spatial Distribution of Social Ties Impact Neighborhood and City Attachment? Differentials among Urban/Rural Contexts.” Social Networks, 68, 374-385.
  • Luo, Xiaoshuang. (2021(2018)). “Gender and Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization: A Comparison of American and Chinese College ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(11-12), 5581-5607.
  • Thomas, Loring J., Peng Huang, Fan Yin, Xiaoshuang Luo, Zack W. Almquist, John R. Hipp, and Carter T. Butts. (2020). “Spatial Heterogeneity Can Lead to Substantial Local Variations in COVID-19 Timing and Severity.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(39), 24180-24187.
  • Luo, Xiaoshuang and Cyrus Schleifer. (2020). “Is there A Marriage or Parenthood Income Penalty among Police?” Policing: An International Journal, 43(4), 559-574.
  • Luo, Xiaoshuang, Cyrus Schleifer, and Christopher M. Hill. (2019). “Police Income and Occupational Gender Inequality.” Police Quarterly, 22(4), 481-510.
  • Peng, Xinlin, Xiaoshuang Luo, and Jian Li. (2019). “Difficulties and Countermeasures of Criminal Regulation of Illegal Fundraising Behavior on Online P2P Lending Platforms. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 4(1), 47-68.


  • Ph.D. Criminology, Law and Society, University of California, Irvine
  • M.A. Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine
  • M.A. Sociology, University of Oklahoma
  • B.S. Financial Management, Tianjin University of Commerce, China