
Sergei F. Lyuksyutov, Ph.D.

Sergei F. Lyuksyutov, Ph.D.

Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Physics
Office: Crouse Hall 328
Phone: 330-972-8356
Fax: 330-972-6918
Email: sfl@uakron.edu



  • M.S. Physics and Engineering, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1984
  • Visiting PhD student, Hertford College, Oxford University UK, 1989-1990
  • Ph.D. Physics and Mathematics, Russian Academy of Science 1991


  • Research Scientist, Institute of Physics, Kiev Ukraine1984-1995
  • Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Technical University of Denmark 1995-1997
  • Faculty Research Scientist, Nanotechnology Center, Louisville, KY 1997-2000
  • Faculty, Department of Physics, ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ OH from 2000

Selected Publications

  • P.B. Paramonov and S.F. Lyuksyutov, "Density functional description of water condensation in proximity of nanoscale asperity," J. Chemical Physics 123, 084705 (2005) 
  • N.V. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, M.E. Edwards, J. Jones, M. Bayssie, J. Wang, S. F. Lyuksyutov, M.A. Reagan, and P. Buchhave, "Smart photogalvanic running grating interferometer,"J. Applied Physics 97, 054301 (2005)
  • S.F. Lyuksyutov, P.B. Paramonov, R.A. Sharipov, and G. Sigalov, "Induced deformations in polymers on nanoscal using atomic force microscopy,"Physical Review B 70, 174110 (2004)
  • S.F. Lyuksyutov, P.B. Paramonov, S. Juhl, and R.A. Vaia, "Amplitude-modulated electrostatic nanolithography in polymers based on atomic force microscopy,"Applied Physics Letters 83, 4405-4407 (2003)
  • S.F. Lyuksyutov, R.A. Vaia, P.B. Paramonov, S. Juhl, L. Waterhouse, R.M. Ralich, G, Sigalov, and E. Sancaktar, "Electrostatic nanolithography in polymers using atomic force microscopy,"Nature Materials, 468-472 (2003) 2
  • S.F. Lyuksyutov, P.B. Paramonov, R.M. Ralich, and I. Dolog, "peculiarities of an anomalous electronic current during atomic force microscopy assisted nanolithography on n-type silicon,"Nanotechnology 14, 716-721 (2003)
  • S. Sharma, M. K. Sunkara, M.M. Crain, S.F. Lyuksyutov, S. A. Harfenist, K. M. Walsh, and R.W. Cohn, “Selective plasma nitridation and contrast reversed etching of silicon,”J. Vacuum Science Technology B, 1743-1747 (2001) 19
  • J. Chen, A. M. Rao, S. Lyuksyutov, M. E. Itkis, M. A. Hamon, H. Hu, R. W. Cohn, P. C. Eklund, D. T. Colbert, R. E. Smalley, R. C. Haddon, "Dissolution of full-length single-walled carbon nanotubes,"J. Physical Chemistry B 105, 2525-2528, (2001)
  • J. Gotpagar, S. Lyuksyutov, R. Cohn, E. Grulke, and D. Bhattacharyya, "Reductive Dehalogenation of Trichloroethylene with Zero-Valent Iron: Surface Profiling Microscopy and Rate Enhancement Studies,"Langmuir 15, 8412-8420 (1999)
  • R.W. Cohn, S.F. Lyuksyutov, K. Walsh, and M.M. Crain, "Nanolithography considerations for multi-passband filters," Optical Review6, 345-354 (1999)
  • F. Havermeyer, S. F. Lyuksyutov, R. A. Rupp, H. Eckerlebe, P. Staron, and J. Vollbrandt, "Nondestructive Resolution of Higher Harmonics of Light-Induced Volume Gratings in PMMA with Cold Neutrons," Physical Review Letters 80, 3272-3275 (1998)
  • Sergei F. Lyuksyutov, Preben Buchhave, and Mikhail V. Vasnetsov, "Self-Excitation of Space Charge Waves," Physical Review Letters 79, 67-70 (1997)

Awards, Visiting positions and Distinctions:

2012-2013    Office Naval Research Fellowship, Naval Research Lab, Washington DC
2010-2011    NASA Glenn Summer Faculty Fellowship, Glenn Research Center, OH
2008        Fulbright Senior Specialist, Institute of Physics, Kiev, Ukraine
2005    Earlier Career Research Award, College Arts Sciences, ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, OH
2004-2005    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow, Musashi Institute of Technology,Tokyo, Japan
2002-2004    National Research Council Summer Faculty Fellow, AFRL, OH
2001        Visiting Professor, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
1997        Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Award, GKSS, Hamburg, Germany
1989        George Soros Fellow, Hertford College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
1988    Outstanding Student Award, Institute of Physics, Academy of Science, Kiev, USSR

    Research Interests

    • Atomic Force Microscopy and Electrostatic Nanolithography in polymers and graphene
    • Photorefractive Optics and Fiber Optics


    S. Juhl, S. F. Lyuksyutov, and R. A. Vaia, “Method of Z-lift electrostatic nanolithography,” U.S. Patent 7,538,332 (granted May 26, 2009)
    S.F. Lyuksyutov, R.A. Vaia, and S. Juhl, “Method of Polymer Nanolithography,” U.S. Patent 7,431,970 (granted October 7, 2008)
    S. F. Lyuksyutov, R. A. Vaia, S. Juhl, and P. B. Paramonov, “Method of amplitude modulated electrostatic nanolithography,” U.S. Patent 7,241,992 (granted July 10, 2007)