X-Ray Facility


The X-ray Center at The ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ is a state of the art facility capable of collecting high quality X-ray diffraction data on both small molecule and macromolecular crystalline samples. Our instrument is a Bruker Apex II Duo system with co-mounted Mo and Cu microfocus radiation sources..  

What do we Provide?

  • Data Collection, processing and analysis, including graphical presentations of structures.
  • Data collection at 293K to 100K
  • Collecting, and mounting of water, temperature, air, and light sensitive crystals
  • Consultation for the best approaches of generating good diffraction crystals for data collection
  • Recrystallization for optimal data analysis

Hours of Operation:
Monday through Fridays
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM,
Meetings and Consultations by Appointments only
Contact Dr. Chris Ziegler for inquiries.

Acknowledgments: Users who publish papers including data collected on the Bruker SMART APEX I system should include the following statement: We would like to acknowledge the National ScienceFoundation (CHE-0116041) and the Ohio Board of Regents for funds used to purchase the Bruker-Nonius Apex CCD X-ray diffractometer used in this research. Users who publish papers including data collected on the Bruker APEX II Duo system should include the following statement: We would like to acknowledge the National ScienceFoundation (CHE-0840446) for funds used to purchase the Bruker APEX II Duo X-ray diffractometer used in this research.

Policy: There will be a policy of co-authorship in all publications that present collected and solved structures. In such cases the name of the responsible crystallographer will be included.

X-Ray Facility Rates

Single Crystal Data Collection & Structure
ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Departments          $50.00
Other Academia $200.00**
Industrial $500.00

Other Services
Recrystalization $200.00
Consultation $250.00/hr
Misc. Services (Database Searches, Etc.) $200.00/hr

** Academic institutions should contact Dr. Ziegler for more information on pricing.