
Dr. Jiang Zhe

Dr. Jiang Zhe

Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Mechanical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering
Office: ASEC 435A (Lab ASEC 414, 417)
Phone: 330-972-7737
Email: jzhe@uakron.edu
Curriculum Vitae: Download in PDF format


Dr. Zhe joined UA in 2003. Previously, he worked in industry as an R&D Engineer with Fitel Technologies (2001-2002) and Advanced Micro Sensors (2002-2003). He is a Fellow with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Dr. Zhe has been recognized with the ASME Lewis F. Moody Award and the College of Engineering Outstanding Researcher Award. He is the recipient of 11 funded NSF research grants.


Micro and Nano Sensors, Biosensors and Bioinstrument, Lab on a chip, Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices, Machine Health Monitoring, Artificial Neural Network for Sensor Network


  • Ph.D., Columbia University 2002
  • M. Phil., Columbia University 2000
  • B.S., Northwestern Polytechnic University 1993


Control Systems Design, Mechanical Engineering Lab, Fundamentals of MicroElectroMechanical Systems, Design of Micro and Nano Devices, Dynamics