Zip+4 list for colleges and departments
NOTE: See our Offices and Departments directory for a searchable list of departments, locations and Zip+4.
Department | Building | Zip + |
PNC Bank | Student Union | 4604 |
Arts & Sciences Career Services | Olin Hall | 1916 |
AASWG | Polsky Building | 8050 |
Academic Advisement Center | Simmons Hall | 6206 |
Accountancy - School of | College of Business | 4802 |
Accounts Payable | Administrative Services Bldg | 6214 |
Accounts Receivable | Simmons Hall | 6215 |
Admissions Office - Undergraduate | Simmons Hall | 2001 |
Air Force ROTC - mail only | Shrank Hall South | 6101 |
ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Press | Bierce Library | 1703 |
Allied Health Technology | Polsky Building | 3702 |
Alumni Association Ctr | InfoCision Stadium | 2602 |
Army ROTC - National Guard | Schrank Hall South | 6101 |
Art - School of | Folk Hall | 7801 |
Arts & Sciences College - Dean | Arts & Sciences Bldg | 1901 |
Athletics - General Offices | Rhodes Arena | 5201 |
Audio-Visual Services | Bierce Library | 1704 |
Auditor - Internal | Administrative Services Bldg | 6203 |
Biology | Auburn Science Center | 3908 |
Biomedical Engineering | Olson Research | 0302 |
Bliss Institute of Applied Politics | Olin Hall | 1914 |
Board Of Trustees | Student Union | 4705 |
Bookstore - Main Campus | Student Union | 4605 |
Bookstore - West Campus | Polsky Building | 6010 |
Buchtelite | Student Union | 4602 |
Budget | Administrative Services Bldg | 6202 |
Budget | Simmons Hall | 6203 |
Business & Administration | Buchtel Hall | 4718 |
Business & Administration | Administrative Services Bldg | 6221 |
Business, College of - Dean | College of Business | 4805 |
Cashier's Office | Simmons Hall | 6209 |
Center for Economic Education | Crouse Hall | 4210 |
Central Stores | Administrative Services Bldg | 0703 |
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Auburn Science Center | 3906 |
Chemistry | Knight Chemical Laboratory | 3601 |
Civil Engineering | Auburn Science Center | 3905 |
Anthropology | Olin Hall | 1910 |
Communication - School of | Kolbe Hall | 1003 |
Computer Center | Computer Center | 3501 |
Computer Repair | Computer Center | 5001 |
Computer Science | Arts & Sciences Bldg | 4003 |
Computer Solutions | Student Union | 9120 |
Continuing Education - noncredit | Polsky Building | 4104 |
Contract Compliance | Lincoln | 0407 |
Controller | Administrative Services Bldg | 6205 |
Co-op Engineering | Auburn Science Center | 3902 |
Counseling & Testing | Simmons Hall | 4303 |
DEI (Diversity, Inclusion and Equity) | Buchtel Hall | 6237 |
Dance - School of | Guzzetta Hall | 2502 |
Development | InfoCision Stadium | 2603 |
Dining Services - Offices | Robertson Dining Hall | 4607 |
Disabilities - Services for ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ with | Simmons Hall | 6213 |
Economics | Arts & Sciences Bldg | 1908 |
Education College - Dean | Zook Hall | 4201 |
Education Foundations | Zook Hall | 4208 |
EJ Thomas Hall - Offices | EJT Performing Arts Hall | 0501 |
Electrical Engineering | Auburn Science Center | 3904 |
Engineering College - Dean | Auburn Science Center | 3901 |
Engineering & Science Technologies | Schrank Hall South | 6104 |
English | Olin Hall | 1906 |
English Language Institute | Olin Hall | 1909 |
Environmental Studies | Crouse Hall | 4102 |
Evening Division - Adult Learners | Shrank Hall North | 4110 |
Faculty Senate - Office | Shrank Hall North | 4910 |
Field Education | Zook Hall | 4203 |
Finance | College of Business | 4803 |
Financial Aid - ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ | Simmons Hall | 6211 |
Fine and Applied Arts College - Dean | Guzzetta Hall | 1001 |
Gear Up/McNair Scholars | Ayer Hall | 7908 |
Geology & Environmental Science | Crouse Hall | 4101 |
Graduate School - Dean | Leigh Hall | 2101 |
Health Services - Student | Wellness & Recreation Center | 1101 |
History | Arts & Sciences Bldg | 1902 |
Child and Family Development | Schrank Hall South | 6103 |
Honors College - Dean | Honors Complex | 1803 |
Housing Office - Residence Life | Ritchie Hall | 1401 |
Hower House | Hower House | 2401 |
Human Resources - Administration | Administrative Services Bldg | 4733 |
Human Resources - Benefits Administration | Administrative Services Bldg | 0602 |
Human Resources - Communications | Administrative Services Bldg | 4732 |
Human Resources - EEO | Administrative Services Bldg | 4709 |
Human Resources - Employment/Classification | Administrative Services Bldg | 4731 |
Human Resources - Forms | Administrative Services Bldg | 4704 |
Human Resources - Information Services | Administrative Services Bldg | 4730 |
Human Resources - Labor Relations | Administrative Services Bldg | 4733 |
Institutional Support | Martin Center | 2604 |
International Programs | Polsky Building | 3106 |
School of Law | Law Building | 2901 |
Learning Center | Schrank Hall | 5003 |
Legal Services - General Counsel | Buchtel Hall | 4706 |
Library Archives | Bierce Library | 1702 |
Life Span Development & Gerontology | Arts & Sciences Bldg | 4307 |
Mail & Delivery Services | Administrative Services Bldg | 0701 |
Main Library | Bierce Library | 1701 |
Management | College of Business | 4801 |
Marketing | College of Business | 4804 |
Math | Arts & Sciences Bldg | 4002 |
Mechanical Engineering | Auburn Science Center | 3903 |
Modern Languages | Olin Hall | 1907 |
Music - School of | Guzzetta Hall | 1002 |
Natatorium | ONAT | 6301 |
Nursing - School of | Mary Gladwin Hall | 3701 |
Orientation - New Student | Simmons Hall | 4716 |
Parking and Transporation Services | North Parking Deck | 6204 |
Payroll | Administrative Services Bldg | 6210 |
Philosophy | Olin Hall | 1903 |
Physical Facilities Operations Center | Physical Facilities | 0401 |
Physics | Ayer Hall | 4001 |
Placement | Simmons Hall | 4306 |
Planning, Strategy and Insights | Zook Hall | 4202 |
Police - UAPD | Physical Facilities | 0402 |
Policy Studies | Polsky Building | 1911 |
Political Science | Olin Hall | 1904 |
Polymer Engineering | Olson Research | 0301 |
Polymer Science College - Dean | Goodyear Polymer | 3909 |
Polymer Training | ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Polymer Training Ctr | 5404 |
President Emeritus | West Hall | 3002 |
President's Office | Buchtel Hall | 4702 |
Printing Services | Administrative Services Bldg | 0702 |
Provost | Buchtel Hall | 4703 |
Psychology | Arts & Sciences Bldg | 4301 |
Psychology Archives | Polsky Building | 4302 |
Purchasing | Lincoln | 9001 |
Registrar | Simmons Hall | 6208 |
Research & Sponsored Programs | Polsky Building | 2102 |
Rubber Division - ACS | Olson Research | 3801 |
Rubber Division Library | Auburn Science Center | 3907 |
Safety - Environmental and Occupational Health | Lincoln Building | 0607 |
Secondary Education | Zook Hall | 4205 |
Social Work | Polsky Building | 8001 |
Sociology | Olin Hall | 1905 |
Sports Science and Wellness Ed. | InfoCision Stadium | 5103 |
Statistics | Arts & Sciences Bldg | 1913 |
STEP | Buckingham Center | 7910 |
Student Affairs | Student Union | 4701 |
Student Center - Administration | Student Union | 4601 |
Student Government - ASG | Student Union | 4606 |
Student Wellness & Rec Center | Wellness and Recreation Center | 6301 |
Taylor Institute for Direct Marketing | Polsky Building | 4807 |
Telecommunications | Lincoln | 9010 |
Theatre Arts and Administration | Guzzetta Hall | 1005 |
Treasurer | Administrative Services Bldg | 6220 |
University Communications and Marketing | Administrative Services Building | 0604 |
Upward Bound | Ayer Hall | 7908 |
VP Business & Administration/CFO | Buchtel Hall | 4715 |
Women's Studies | Shrank Hall North | 6218 |
WZIP and ZTV | Kolbe Hall | 1004 |
Zip Card Office | Simmons Hall | 4611 |