College Reading & Study Skills (CRSS) Lab
Faculty tutors are available to assist students throughout the academic year (not summer) who need assistance in acquiring college-level reading and study skills.
The CRSS Lab is located in Polsky 342. Appointments can be made by calling 330-972-7046. Advance appointments are highly recommended due to a limited number of drop-in appointments available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Tutors can help you develop and improve skills such as . . .
- reading comprehension.
- reading textbooks more efficiently and effectively.
- preparing for tests.
- summarizing.
- note taking.
- outlining.
- vocabulary development.
- time management.
- memory techniques.
- organizing for success.
ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ who use the CRSS Lab are expected to . . .
- go to class, listen attentively, take notes, and ask questions of your instructor to clarify misunderstandings.
- attempt to do your class assignments BEFORE coming to your tutoring session.
- identify specific areas where help is needed with specific questions to ask a tutor BEFORE coming to your tutoring session.
- come prepared with all necessary materials: class notes, textbook, syllabus and handouts, paper, pencil/pen, etc.
- be ready to actively participate in the tutoring session.