Myers School of Art Policies

Building Hours

Folk Hall
Monday–Friday: ONLY door #1 (front door) unlocked 7:15 am–5:30 pm
doors 4, 7, 9, 10, and 15 swipe access only
Saturday–Sunday: All doors locked; swipe access only

Ceramics Building
Locked 24/7; swipe access only on door #7 (to the right of door #1)

Myers After Hours Access Policy

Use of access to studios outside of designated hours is a privilege afforded to the Myers School of Art students. After-hours access can be requested by scanning the QR code in the Myers Front Office, Folk 103, or . Activation takes 24–48 hours and must be requested at the beginning of each new semester, as access is deactivated upon conclusion of a given term.

  • Swipe access will be available 5 am–12 am (midnight) only.
  • ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ must leave the building no later than midnight.
  • .

Myers School of Art Attendance Policy

College coursework proceeds at such a pace that regular class attendance is necessary. Virtual and/or face-to-face interaction in real time with your instructor and peers is integral for meeting learning objectives. From past experience, students who miss class do not perform as well as those who attend class regularly.

  • ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ are required to attend all class meetings, regardless of delivery mode.
  • Attendance is taken every class period.
  • ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ may not miss more than one week’s worth of class time without a penalty. For each absence over one week, your final course grade will drop by one grade (e.g., from B to B-). If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact the instructor.

Studio Classes

  • For grading purposes in studio classes, three late arrivals or early departures will equal one absence.
  • Late arrival is defined as entering the lab/classroom after attendance has been taken. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of late arrival; otherwise, it will be marked as an absence.
  • An early departure is leaving the lab/classroom before the scheduled time concludes.

Online Classes

In online classes, students will be required to have their video on for attendance and portions of the class where participation is expected; the use of background filters is acceptable. If a student is having issues with using video due to difficulties with internet access or bandwidth, please contact the instructor.

Updated as of August 22, 2023.

For up-to-date information regarding on-ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ rules and regulations, please visit the Return To Campus Page.

Myers School-wide Studio Use Policy

ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ are permitted to use the studio/lecture workspace, equipment, materials and faculty instruction for a course in which they are enrolled. The School policy restricts student's studio access and use to the corresponding room listed on their class schedule. If a student is not enrolled in a course, they are not permitted to use studio workspace, equipment, materials or faculty instruction. This policy exists to protect everyone's safety, and to preserve the financial resources obtained in the form of tuition and fees, paid by the students enrolled in courses.

Course Enrollment Limit Policy for Auditing and Non-Degree-Seeking ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ

Auditing and non-degree-seeking students at the Myers School of Art must meet all course prerequisite requirements. They may enroll in any studio course for a maximum of one semester, as long as there is adequate room in the class to register and the student satisfies conditions for course enrollment. They may not repeat any course.*

*Auditing and non-degree-seeking students may repeat a course in Art History with permission from the area coordinator.

BFA, Graphic Design Required Laptop Purchase Policy

NOTE: All current students, including incoming freshmen for fall 2024 are highly recommended to purchase a laptop. All graphic design majors beginning fall 2025 will be required.

Multiple computer labs are maintained in the Myers School of Art for instruction in digital production during the first-year experience. ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ are not required to purchase their own hardware or software during this first year.

All students who pass the Foundation Review and choose to major in Graphic Design are required to own and maintain a laptop computer meeting the minimum standard. ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ are required to have this laptop before enrolling into ART 184 Typography 1 and will be required to maintain and keep it in good working condition for all remaining years in the graphic design program.

An Apple MacBook Pro is highly recommended for ease of integration with the existing Myers systems while preparing students for a standard work environment in the Graphic Design field. An investment in a 2-year-old or newer laptop is recommended for being easily maintainable for the remaining three years of instruction. 

While PC’s may have a lower initial price, because of the cost of maintaining and lack of industry standard they are not recommended. ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ that choose a PC should ensure appropriate amounts of memory, processing and storage.

Hardware and Software requirements are available in the linked pdf.

The ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Policies

The University Code of Student Conduct

Undergraduate Bulletin

Diversity Statement

The Office of Inclusion and Equity Statement on Diversity

For support services on ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, go to  o°ù .  

Title IX Information

If you wish to speak to a professional in confidence, please contact:

 – 24 Hour Hotline: 877-906-RAPE
Located in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center 246, 330-972-6328
 – 330-972-7082
 – 330-972-7808

Accommodations | Office of Accessibility

The ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Office of Accessibility

In accordance with university policy, students with a documented disability for which accommodations may be required should contact the Office of Accessibility:

Simmons Hall 105
The ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ
ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, Ohio 44325-6213
Phone: (330) 972-7928
TDD: (330) 972-5764
Fax: (330) 972-5422

ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ should be certain their instructor has been notified of accommodations at the beginning of the term, since accommodations are not retroactive.

Given the nature and structure of all courses within the Myers School of Art, it is not always possible to offer flexibility for those with attendance accommodations. Accommodations must not fundamentally alter a course or degree program. Attendance is imperative to successful completion of courses, especially those with a studio format. The Myers School of Art will adhere to our stated attendance policy reported to NASAD, our accrediting body. Our policy states that a specific number of class hours must be met, and this must be enforced, regardless of accommodation or disability. ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ should discuss concerns with faculty on a case-by-case basis.

Religious Accommodations Policy

AI/Machine Learning Policy

The ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Ethical Use of AI Policy