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- D'Andrea, Dorothy Scholarships
- Damon, Don and Marjorie Scholarship
- Dance Institute Benefit Fund
- Danison, Mervyn F. Memorial Photography Scholarship
- Darsky, Rose and Julius Scholarship
- Dashiell, Malcolm J. Scholarship Fund
- Daum, Paul A. Endowed Scholarship in the Theatre Arts
- Daum, Paul A. Professorship in Theatre Arts
- Daum, Paul A. Theatre Endowment
- Daverio, George W. School of Accountancy
- Daverio, George W. School of Accountancy Advisory Board Endowed Fund
- Daverio, Joanne J. Scholarship in Fine and Applied Arts
- Davies, John Morris and William Olin Davies Memorial Fund in Physics
- Davis, Catherine Kay Displaced Homemaker Endowed Scholarship
- Davis, Craig Memorial Scholarship in Electrical Engineering
- Davis, Douglas P. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Davis, Dr. George D. Endowed Scholarship in Speech-Language Pathology
- Davis, Ed Internship in Applied Politics
- Davis, Emily Fund for Visiting Printmakers
- Davis, James A. Jr. and Donna Dale Endowed Scholarship
- Day, Sally Steele Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
- De Abreu-Jordão and Francisca Endowed Scholarship
- Dean's Scholars Fund for Excellence
- DeBray, Thomas E. EARLYJAS Society-Roland Paolucci Music Scholarship
- Dedrick, Georgianna Catherine Scholarship Fund
- Degnan, Anita Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Deibler, Geraldine Endowed Scholarship
- Deitchman, Dr. Robert Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Dellenberger, Elizabeth C. Fund
- Deloitte & Touche Alumni Scholarship
- Deloitte & Touche John P. Brown Memorial Scholarship
- DeLong, Evelyn S. Endowed Scholarship in Music
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Lois Lee Killings Endowed Scholarship
- Deme Family Scholarship
- Demetros, Mary B. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Demkee Family Internship in Applied Politics
- Demming, Perry T. Scholarship for Ohio Epsilon Chapter of Phi Delta Theta
- Denco Marketing Company Scholarship
- Dennis, Eleanor and Walter Student Scholarship
- Dennison, Jim and Sue Scholarship in Football
- Denton, Evelyn Renner Scholarship for Speech and Drama
- Department of Computer Science Alumni Scholarship
- Department of Finance Advisory Board Endowment Fund
- Department of Geography and Planning Alumni Fund
- Department of Physics Faculty and Alumni Scholarship
- Department of Psychology Merit Scholarship
- Department of Psychology Travel Award
- Department of Student Life Award
- Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Professors’ Scholarship
- DePhillipe, Daniel Endowment
- Dethloff, Theodore C. and Frances S. Scholarship Fund
- Developmental Programs Tutorial Endowment
- DeVries, Howard and Sylvia Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Accounting
- DeVries, Louis R. Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Instrumental Music Performance
- DeWine, Mike Internship in Applied Politics
- DeYoung, Lillian J. Scholarship to Promote Nursing Excellence
- DeYoung, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Endowment
- DGS Scholarship Support Fund
- Dicheva, Stanka Graduate Assistantship in Engineering
- Dickerhoff Family Endowed Fund
- Dickinson, Leone and Franklyn Endowment Fund in the College of Education
- DiDonato Family Scholarship Fund
- DiDonato, Anthony and Jane Endowed Scholarship in the College of Business Administration
- DiDonato, Mary Nursing Scholarship
- Dietz, LeRoy E. Scholarship Fund
- Dietz, Mary ‘87, Scholarship for Nontraditional ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ
- DiFederico, Mario A. and Jean A. Endowment for the H. Kenneth Barker Center for Economic Education
- DiFederico, Mario A. and Jean A. Endowment for the College of Engineering
- DiGirolamo Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Dilley Family Endowed Scholarship in Economics
- Dilley, Gilbert W. and Marguerite H. Performing Artist Series
- Dilley, Gilbert W. and Marguerite H. Scholarship Fund
- Dilley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Scholarship
- Dimengo, Steven A. Endowed Excellence Fund
- Dindo, Kathryn Warther and Thomas William Dindo Endowed Scholarship
- Directed Spanish Study Abroad (DISSTA) Scholarship
- Director's Endowed Scholarship in Dance
- Dixon, Don and Jeri Scholarship in Accounting
- Do The Right Thing Scholarship
- Dobkin, Dr. Arthur Nursing Scholarship
- Dobos, Timothy S. Baseball Scholarship
- Donovan, Margaret F. Chair for Women in Engineering
- Donovan, Robert E. Scholarship Fund
- Dornfeld , David K. Endowment for Soccer
- Doubledee, John Wesley Endowed Scholarship
- Dougherty, James A. Endowed Scholarship in Construction Technology
- Dove, Ray A. Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry
- Dow Chemical Company Fellowship in Polymer Engineering
- Dow, Stewart L. and Catherine E. Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Dowd Family Public Service Award
- Dowey, James L. and Carol S. Scholarship in Engineering
- Drake, Daniel Scholarship in School Administration
- Dreskin, Howard J. and Phyllis M. Levine Endowed Scholarship
- Drumm, Don and Lisa Scholarship for The Mary Schiller Myers School of Art
- Dubick, Robert A. Memorial Scholarship
- Dudich, Porfero "Porky" Varsity "A" Association Fund
- Duffy, Shirley A. and Arthur R. Classical Guitar Endowment
- Duke, Dr. Theodore T. Memorial Scholarship
- Dukes, Alpha Omega Memorial Promising Fiction Writer Award
- Dukes, Alpha Omega Music Scholarship
- Dukes, John T. Memorial Scholarship in English
- Dukes, Sam Ella Memorial Poetry Prize
- Dunaway, Barbara Endowed Scholarship
- Dunkle, Carl and Margaret Allen Sheppard Memorial Scholarship
- Dunlap, Dr. James W. Endowed Scholarship
- Dunlap, James F. Memorial Scholarship in Theatre
- Dunn, Thomas E. Fund for Creative Writing
- DuPont Grant
- Dutt, Drs. Ashok Kumar and Hiran Moyee Dutta Endowment for Graduate ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ
- Dye, Clara D. Nursing Fund
- D’Ianni, Dr. and Mrs. James D. Chemistry Endowment
- D’Ianni, Dr. and Mrs. James D. Research Endowment